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Heat Stroke

Overview : Heat stroke is a severe heat-related illness that occurs when the body’s temperature regulation system fails, leading to dangerously high body temperatures. Symptoms include confusion, seizures, loss of consciousness, and can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Heat stroke is a medical emergency, and immediate cooling and medical attention are necessary to prevent serious complications or death.

Example : Conditions like heart disease can exacerbate the risk of heat stroke. A person with heart disease may have a compromised ability to regulate body temperature, making them more susceptible to heat stroke during extreme heat. Similarly, elderly individuals or those with diabetes are at increased risk of heat-related illnesses.

Health Promotion Encouragement : Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and avoid strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing, and take breaks in cool places. Educate people on recognizing the signs of heat stroke, such as confusion, rapid pulse, and lack of sweating despite high temperatures, and the importance of seeking immediate medical attention. Encourage checking on vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly and those with chronic illnesses, during heatwaves to ensure they are safe. Promote the use of cooling centers during extreme heat events and provide information on heat safety through local media, social media, and community centers. Advocate for community planning that includes shaded areas and access to water in public spaces. Emphasize the importance of acclimatizing to hot environments gradually and avoiding alcohol and caffeine, which can contribute to dehydration.


✔️ Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

✔️ Avoid strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day.

✔️ Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing and take breaks in cool places.

✔️ Educate on recognizing signs of heat stroke and seeking immediate medical attention.

✔️ Check on vulnerable individuals during heatwaves.

✔️ Promote cooling centers and provide information on heat safety through media and community centers.

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